The Southport Visiter from Southport, Merseyside, England (2024)


BELL. View of B. Csihopioes, LiverpooL TO-MORROW (FRIDAY), 7-30 p.m. Preacher REV. PERCY (MYREN.

Vicar of S. Benedict's Ardwick. Offerings for tie Times Fond for providing Btuponds for the AagiSt4lli Ckag y. PAUL'S HARVEST THANKSGIVING. TO-MORROW (FRIDAY).

7.30 Proisber. REV. W. J. ADAMS, M.A., Vicar of St.

Aeguetiaac Liverpool. Offertory for Curate Fund. Offerings of Fruit and Hothouse Flowers. nnd femne of Plants in Pots thankfully SOUTHPORT AND 'Anwar BAND OF HOPE UNION. BAND OF HOPE JUBILEE.


ALDERMAN JAMES WOOD, Ego J.P., LL.D. President of the tleion, will Preside. A SELECTION OF SONGS .11 be rendered by the JUBILEE CHOIR. consisting of Voices. Conductor: Mr.

W. H. ix Wee LCCT WALLWORTIC EXILY Rosinson. Daring the Evening the RECITATTON PRIZE MEDALS will be Awerded. Dews Open at 7, the Meeting will Commence at 7-30.

Tickets, 3cl and Is. each. may be bad horn the Secretaries, Maws. R. Brimslow.

I. bridtge.srcade. and A. Anderson, 110. road.

Birkdide and from gut Temperance In. satiate, Londonatreet and Mr. Broadbent, 4, Irving.stanet. EARLY APPLICATION FOR TICKETS IS DF.SIRED. Ronde of Rope mooing to the Hall in Procession will be Admitted FREE to the Gamy and Below (Side Door Only).



Mils HELENE BROADBENT. Fl.rrsno Mrs. MORRP.I.II.. Contralto, of the Mencherter. Liverpool.

and I'yonioJ Coteerts Mr. CHARLES SACNDF.RS. the New English Tabor. of the principal London. Provincial.

Colonial Concerto: Mr. HARRY NI ORTIMER. Solo Clarionst, of the Mencheeter, and Pmvincial Concerts. CHORUS of 70 Voices Aczowponist. Miss TAYLOR.

Conductor. Mr. H. W. WOOD.

Admission Other Seats. Is. and 6d. Doors open at 7. to can, menet 7.30.

Plan and tickets at Speight'a A MEETING will be held (FRIDAY), the 22nd, at Three 22, BIRKDAT.E. when Mr. and Yrs. ZLATANO will plead the cause of the Howelees Greeks. ic7S9 DEMONSTRATION AT THE 13IRICDALE GROUNDS.

ON SATURDAY NEXT. OCTOBER Eau. PLANITNO AVENUE OF TREES. CF.REMORY TO COMMENCE AT 3 P.M. no Inhabitants are Hereby Cordially Invited to be Present.

Entranre from the Reach.road JOHN C. BARRETT, Chairmen Dtetriet Conseil. Town Half. Ttirkdokle oMobar 20th, UM. rharsetrr at mme mest.

la big Lord A PUBLIC LECTURK ON HU DR. ROGERSON (SOUTHPORT), Anthor of Leone. Scottie Queen," "Mystaritas Sonetone," Teachingsn Carlyle." "What the Eye CZ' Poie." TEMPERANCE INSTITUTE, LONDON. STREET. TUESDAY EVENING NEXT.

OCT. Mrs. Door. Open ea 7.30. Chair to be taken at 3 prompt.

Front Seats. le; Second. 6d. Tiokons Visitte Stores, 145, Lead. ROYAL ACADEMY OF MUSIC.


And have the mole right of appending the letters IRA M. to thoir names wili ho held derma the which commences on Chrietrnita Vacation December 20th. 1897. Licit day of entry October 30th. lemt day for payment of final fee November 30 entry form, and all farther intenseties may be obtitilied from F.

W. IC.TOIIIA PRODIENADit Opea from 7 a.m. 107-30 p.m. Sundays excepted). MAGNIFICENT SEA WATER PLUNGE BATHS.

Priests Ratio (Pea or Fresh Wststr) of d.iplioS. Hot Atr, Neodlo 8.1. Luxurious Turkish and Rusaisa Baths. OT A NIO The Moat Charming Tlessere Resort in the North of Fogland. A PERPETUAL FLOWER SHOW YKRES.


Trgal Oaticts. BARIUEr SUGUT, Deceased. to The Lew nf Property Amendment Act, 11193." OTICE TP lIEReItY GIVEN. that all editeira and other Persons haring any CLAIMS or DEMANDS against the Estate of HARRIET SLIGHT, formerly of Taxal, ie the County of Cheddar, hut late of No. 58.

Talhote Totithrort. the County of Lancaster, Widow deceMmil iwho died or the April last. and whose Will was proved in the Principal Probate Registry on the 11th September laytt. are hereby required to send the in of their Claims or Demands to its, the toilersigned. on or before the Stith next.

after which date the Executors will proceed to die.ribute the Aeeeta of the mid Deeessed mooniest the persons entailed thereto, basing regard only to the Clainia and of which they than then have bed notice, and they will not be liable for the of the aatd or any at thereof, an dietnaut.rd to any person or of whom or Demands they shall not men have hod potter. Dated that 7th of October. 1897 JOHNSONS County Chambers, Renamed. Solicitors fr the BONUS IVERPOOL VICTORIA LEGAL FRIENDLY SOCIETY. Eafithlisbed 1943.

Chief Office ANPRENV.RTRRET. BOLBORN CIRCUS, LONDON, E.C. Perfect Security to the Segura. rrollts dirlded atuongtb. Folocy Hol3ers only.

No Sisrebolderr Tres Policies. C.esb Bonuses. ViZ Claims paid the Socoets Fund. Premium Income, 1896 532.657 Added to Capital. 1 896 Lamm of Collections over previous year 31.113 ARTHUR HENRI.

Ana Ctarasseri WAnted, W. UOlll Cr Liberal toms to to rob Apply to J. Tollo4ottort ilostioort A BIG CLIMB. rnoroseo ASCENT 01 THE HUMS? MOUNTAIN. Arrariganents are bring made for an expedition spring for the ascent of Everest.

the chief peak of the and the loftiest mountain to the worid. The expedition will be privately orranised hr Mr. F. W. Howell, woo lies hat considemble of repellant, tontiotaineermeo umpe.

In all probehilny Mf. HOWCiI Will have no Enroynon companion. but will take with lon, a native compan. It is understood that he will he supplied with the necessary scientific instruments by the Hoye: Geographical Somety. He had no intention of more than 1005 feet Per aloft in mlunl climb nt.

en in reaching the fell bright of 9,002 feet many at mast There hat hem ea outbreak ei diphtheria sad nearla ma et Portheswl, sad ell the seboole la aro have been temporarily closed. Yr 1.101114'4nm Af.P. ts laid no with illnewi ira reliden at Crorwth. and has been compelled to forego ha publae engage- The wife of labenrer. named Pebereau.

living at Moreheth, near lass to, her Inwhand 'vit their 25th child. The eoretopondent adds that this a a record fu Deuesehirs. John Comm. fitcr-tlirte Lsbourer. vas at Lon.

(ion i eanons cAttnstilv rentenrod to twelve months' hard labour for stealing a plane. had already spew tkony-tour years in gaol. The ffier Office hs: relied for the names of awn e.mionissioned officer, of regular troop: I-frying at home who will volunteer for duty with the native forces now brine rinsed in West A!lv of 20n. and coos was lowased in a London Polire-coort on Tuetrtay upon Vartin Lipsky, A for lomot earri ii on ia i.nimness as barbar wtulat sawing aosn chphlb -ria. CAnnn flnre.

of who has been attending, of St. Ao4r Nom Intil kat iv thy lamas of Bobop was the of tits Battle of 1 4 71cartto, vim) cr. October 201.. 18V, when the Turk's': non wa, destroyed. It vim sanguinary contest, and Ks math was tFe fottodatton rr the kingdom of Greece.

eln 7 saday eight. the Re v. Bradman. 8.11.. Fr A war Leek.

4.1 Ina chair. 11, i In tun nral health, arl I Pha atom ha had laboured dace lade. A determiner! effort is lichig wide by the Bristol folk to regain for ins, thy o. as port. On Tuesiay the Town Cousoil yotrrl an expenditure of £1.500,000 for the per; pone of conetructirse dock at the mouth of the Avon.

Thn os doeis vill he 40 in extent. wall a lack 050 fact its Irv, h. capable of the breed aloes. During the past i month Ow 1 Corky engiarer has been in America to seztttate for new line of staurows ttmo port in the Vt cl States land Bristol, and tra ia prwpect )olton iskio; aiLt LOCAL NEWS. Hunan teeters on this mbiect is to be pistra by Dr.

Iteganton at the Temperance institute en Tuatiley evening next. Tieksteor tl be obtained at the Visites Stores, 145. lo atrect. TRY GARDENS SPIAIIIIIIOLDIIIII annual meeting of be shareholders in Ude nodertmanug will be held on Wedneeday, November Jed, and not on Wednesday, October 21th, as premonsly stated. LOLI SAVINGS IiANN, LONDON STRZZ T.

Open every Friday afternoon from three to foam. and every Friday evening from seven to eight o'clock. Manager in attendance Friday. Oct. 22nd, Councillor Abodes.

Sr. PAUL'S HARVIS4T harvest festival at this church will be field to.morrow evennig when the pulpit will be occupied by the Rev. W. J. litmus.

lIWU of Si Augustine's. Shaw-street, Liverpool. TOE CoNDITtOn or Tay PAMIR. OnVi Bishop's Surveyor Iladl Waned his In regun to the condition of this clairch, and in it he declares that the edifice positively I unsafe for the worshippers. The vicar.

the J. HuHey, has called a meeting of the parish. loners for today week to consider the report sod what action should be taken amnion. At present the church is chiefly kept togetner bv wire ropes beanie the foundauons having hien disturbed In colliery operations. Boss Of Here JOBILIt F.

will be seen in our advertimment C01121134f, the Sonthport Bond of Hope Union will hold a grand public this evening. in the Age Hall. AI a Dr. Wood. J.P..

in to presule. and the Rev. Charles Garrett. of Liver. pool.

at the meeting. All Banal. of Hope corning in proceesioe to the hall will be admitted free to Lae balcony and gallery. We learn that the Band et Hope COMO. Will take place on Saturday nest, and about 00 canyaseery have yolenteered for this work.

A of can. masers will be held this evening at the Y.8.C.A., No. 10 Roams. at 5-30 pin. Tux LAMM AND BCIIICOTCIII NEW WATER lAtliom and Burscorigh Utbnnt District Council have decided upou the 17th November far the opening ceremony in CODROC.

tion with the new water tower. A tablet emu. merunratire of the Jobilee ham been inserted in one of the walls and ibis the Earl of lalLom but promised to unveil. His lordship will be pre. seated with a gold key the personal gift of the member, of the Council, with which to open the door a the tower.

Following this interesting proceeding will be a banquet at the heat Flhe Howl. Osniskirk. the coat of which will le defrayed by the consulting engineers, Hesse. Wood and Brodie. Ti UNivEltsITY EXTRNSIOM MOVT.VVNT.—The report of Mr.

R. D. Reberte, imerctary to the Cambridge l'olversity Extensile Lettere', has past hero preentied to the Lect oree end out that the work being of an eatisfactory character. The 11.1161111 universities are steadily and surely, If not rapidly, taking their place at the head of the edneational movemente of the conatry. The Cambridge system of university teaching ia now in its 25th year.

and him passed eompletely out of the mental period, as these college. abundantly testify. It ten great and notable sign of the times that the highest culture is now brought to the very of ths people by Cambridge and Oxford. TNZ CYCLI PARAPIII AT 01.01SURI.— An the molt of the recent fancy dress parade and masquerade bail held under the auspices of the Orsiskirk Cycling Club. the committee after meeting all expen.s were able to make a deem lion of £32 34.

9d. to the funds of the Cottage Hospital. They have pnrchaeed 70 collecting boxes. so that one heavy item in the hill will not appear on the occasion of future fancy dress parades. The first priae.

value one guinea, for the gentleman making the biggest collection in the boxes was awarded to 11r. Petrie Balmer, of Aughton. Mrs. 11. Taylor, of took the guinea prise for the best subscription box.

while the first and second prizes offered for the chlldren were won reep.xtarely by Bettie Gregory and W. 0. 'raid. A Set. friend.

of Mr. William Darley, the conductor of the Pier orchestra dueing the nest summer season. will I regret to hear of the sad bereavement winch has I befallen him, through the death of his daughter. Edith May Arley, aged font years. The deceased waa a bright end intelligent child.

and on the 9th inst. she accidentally fell into the river Don at Rotherham. near her home, and wan drowned. According to the evidence given at the inquert it appeared she went in company with her brother. aged six years, end another boy to gather buttercup.

at the riverside, when they Al I slipped off bank of the river and fell into lb. Beth lade got out and made es cry effort to miiie the child. but with. Out Seleooo3. At the interment number of hosatiftd wreaths were sent as token of syru pathy from friends of Mr.

Darley. Alstons Gold Medal Medium for Painting. No spottmg. No sandpapering. No I tweaking gianme Send for creulan Sent post free.

lintroneon Meets post free. Address A. Alston, 9. Gresshaws-street. Burnley.

Calm The Arm trailing under the name of Francis Hutchinson. nt Tulketki.strect. han no connection with the firm of undertakers in Wesley -street. of that name. I A brothers which will be of able interest to many lady readers is Seltikts Winter Slervos and which is isesed by S.

Miller. 142. Acre. Leedom. This contains.

I era pattern of dress skirt and alterations of 13 I new skins, ens cirliag skirt. and 12 new sleeves. Diagrams of the Pattern of cult are glren, with instructions as to preparation and op. It should beof crest Milky to dressmakers. The brochure may oe obtained from all news' silents end at railway bookstalls for twopence, or sayb tecuied dArul Born Milks throeseue CNTSCR Or all ape, sionary meeting held at the Chum cd Christ.

Mornington.rool. the Rev. Dr. McParinee gave a most intermit-mg of kis wort as row. sionarr pioneer in New Guinea.

The Am. A. Johnson presided over Large attendance. The speaker. alter briefly alluding to the possessed by the island of New Gomm front the coma ancrecientifie points cienms.

narrated in an eloquent manner the story of hie first visit to the idend as a missionary. Be referred to the difficalties which beset him in winning the confidence of the natives, and described the methods he adopted in acquiring their language foe translation The throne, oat wu both interesting and instructive. and at the conclusion a hearty vow of thank, was accorded to Dr. McFarlane. Scsernimion CONCTAT AT WATZKLOO.

At Waterloo Town Hall. en Wednesday night, a grit-class concert was given in connection with the series of subscription lectures and estnatetw mints promoted by the Christ Church Literary Society. There was a crowded audience. Mtn an. mistakably enjoyed the fare planed before them.

Ella Russell delighted her bearers with selections from an emeninve repertoire, and was recalled repeatedly, beeides being the happy recipient of choice bouquet. Mr John I.4wson contributed several violin eoloe, in addition to an obliwato to "Ave Maria, sung by Madame Russell. Mies Carrie Probyn gave a good per. with the cornet, and variety of vocal items was contributed by the M.OI.WIT Vocal Quartette Nears. C.

Aapinall, T. Barlow. W. H. Atkinson, and Fred Owens), both individually and eollectively, as usual earning the warm of the audience.

Y.M. C.A. I Toseday evening a concert. whirls was wall attended, took placs in ths lecture hall at the Y.kI.C.A. The programme was arranged by Mr.

T. H. Hickson, who. with Miss Hickson. gays a pianoforte duet which was clevetty executed.

Mr. F. W. Hickson displayed his vocal abilities to advantage an The Light of the World" and "Pepe. and War "The violin solos by Mr.

SumMers served to exhibit that artiste's capabilitim in a manner which afforded much satisfaction. and the of the other artistes were warmly applauded. The remainder 01 the programme was se follows "The Flight of Ages." Miss L. Andetton song. Mr Fitsnewton humorous on, "When I was 800 at School," Mr.

Furness; humorous song. "I Won't Flay in Your Yard," Mon Nellie recitation, "Ticket of Leave." Mr. Kayley rag. The Forge" song, "117 the Mira L. Andsrton song.

Mr. Flunewton; song. "Say An Renoir. Miss Nellie Oldbain; humorous song. More Work for the Undertaker.

Mr. Funnies; dom. Esoelnor," Mies Anderton and Mum Walker. Loot evening an exhibition of photographs took place. also a series of Mateyo Adidas.

CONOILFOATIONAL Mt ftAL Ir. PSOVBICIINT meeting of this society was held at thu schools on Teeeday. tinder the presidency of Mr. J. F.

Knowlson. Impreennu speaking was the order of the evening, and the following subjects were freely debated Is the present spirit of combination in trade interfering with the liberty of the individual 1' What do you think of the style of of our new wheels and the plan of theboaldiug generally' Ls it wise to spend evening away from home Should member. of Parliament be paid ill it desirable that the Corporation should bead a large pavilion or marina on the foreehore 1" "Is a irirtrons and moral life more to be desired than intelleetital attainments end Ought compulsory rate to he levied for a town's bond Several other subjectu were suggested. hut time did not permit of their discussion. On the payment of members of Parliament 11..

feeling was decidedly favourable, while as to the compulsory herd rate the tone of the was jest the reveres. The manna scheme elicited much comment. and the feeling of the meeting era. Is favour of the Corporation grant. ing power toe syndicate to carry out the scheme.

the profits to be applicable for the redwaion of the eaten Altogether a tery pleasant and profitable evening errs spent. S. Loses Ceram, must be a matter of deep satisfaction to the Rev. W. If.

Menden and to his devoted parishioners generally to feel their chancel is now enriched by some of the attingsloosseseed by any pariah church in Eng. land. Designed with the greatest haute and nese of conception hv Mr. Heron Matear. the accomplished architect of the sacred lane generally, the whole scheme has been admirehly minced out In Its entirety be Messrs.

Harry Hems and Sons. Exeter. The new loolh, with their ornamental elbows between and betwixt each singing man, and their rename north and ronth, as is the ease in large collegiate chapels, are especially handsome features, and are as commodious ea they are rich and massive. TM pulpit, on the north aide, is most exquisitely I carved, and although its seven angle niches are still as vaunt as are the cavalry sentry boxes before the Hors. Guards after four o'clock in the afternoon, iii.

satisfactory to learn this is only pro and the subjects for the groers ultimately to fill them are already being carefraly I considered. The glory altar, with its hacking of rert los and of tryptich, is the largest of its kind the kingdom, and we Minsk, perhaps the most beautiful. The delicate manipulation of its oak carving and the powerful modelling of the many statues that adorn it, are marked The preacher at evensong to-day will be the Her. M. F.

Poll, Vicar of B. Liverpool, and to-morrow the Rein Percy Cistben. of S. Benediet's Ardwick. Manchester.

Both clergymen are well known in this port of Lancashire. and probably there will be large congregations at both services. TRAFALGAR bOAD COIIOIIIOATInNAL Curare. literary and musical society in connection with this place commenced the winter session en Tuenday evening with a soiree. There very mtialactory attendance.

About 150 were present. The proceedings opened at 745 with a short address from the president, Rev. A. H. Boyden, 8.A., B.Sc., who expinmed on behalf of the committee the pleasure of seeing no roans friends present.

Hitch society was no integral and necessary part of church to develop the social side of our life and give an oppertunity for friendship. The day bad gone lie when church which closed its doors front Seuday to Sunday cotild expect to flourish. Cele.s a church were a strong social centre it would fail to attract it young. The for the session is a good one. The following programme wan gone through Pianoforte dnet, Mimes Adam and Griffiths; song, Hybris.

lb. Cretan." Mr. Nightingale; violin solo. Allegro Brilliant." Lowe; meg. Aye Maria." Mrs.

Nightingale: song. Tamura' Mina Middleton; violin Simple Avon." Mies Lowe: Bong." When the Heart is Young." Man A portion of the evening Iris set apart for general conversation and the pmmlong of light The aehoolroom was beautifully and artistically decorated with flowers and kindly lent by Mr. Mulgreir. Miss Smedley and friends. 'f he piano was lent by Mr.

Allan Smith. Eastbsoltstrect. Southport. Mr. Brimelow kindly lent hie microscope.

and was present at the meeting. Cones cod works of art. wont sent is by mammon. friends, aided largely to the evening's enjoyment. Mira Adam very ably accompanied on the piano both songs and violin solos.

The evening closed with the usual thanks and the singing of the National Anthem. Cenclint iY vies WoniCteo Lime Monday evening last a concert wait given in the lugs room of the above club, by the Garrick Variety Company. suprorted by Mr. ('lest Harvey. There was crowded audience, many being on.

able to obtain wens. A capital programme had been arranged 17 Mr. Fred Gee. The lugs opened with pianoforte eolo by J. W.

Earnshaw, which warn very well rendered. A violin solo, with piano accompaniment. was alto well played by S. Child whilst Harry Earnshaw quite captivated the andience with his ramie wage, Its Only Silly Tommy and Just Beeauce I Happened to be There. loud greeting each item.

All Is Not Gold That Glitter. was very well song by Bert Bramwell. eel soon song by Woodville Lindley, entitled Can Think of Nothing Elm but You, pleased the audience to nicety. E. Halsall was happy in his mtgs.

Peter Simple." "Bang Goes the bell," and One Polka," and he warn wa mly applauded. W. Morlaed mug. with great tute. Bless oar Qteen Victoria." Gee and on making their appearance In the song and acemopenying sketch, The broker Car." embed roars of laughter by their myiats and come knockabout businese.

Later in the evening Fred was loudly applauded for his songs, The Football Referee, which warn en. cored. One Ruth Ann." and She Thinks Shea Wilson Barrett." each song meeting with rounds of applause. Mr. Clynt Harvey deserved special praise for the manner in which he sang" That'll Doodle Doodle Do.

the applause being deafen. ing and an encore being demanded, he sang the comic song, Nothing. Shortly after be sp. peered colter, and sang tbe new rooter song with very good effect. There Aint No Gime' Rid of Him at All.

and, in response to se encore. ser.g I Co3ldu Help It. 'Rid To." The sketch, entitled "Uncle Ned's conclnded the tancert, the principal characters being I. W. Eernahaw and Fred Gee.

supported by the whole, at the troupe. The duties of accompanists were by Mn, Robert and J. W. Mr. Clmethain pro.

I posed vote of to the which Wit unanimously, sad one of thi most sue: emisful concerto of the season wan bronght to a close 'oy the singing of the Netioral Anthers. burtli ON A MOTOR CAR I PRIM JOAN o. oftoArs TO LAND'S D. 1 Mr. of Coventry, no Twat eoniplelad a journey from John o' 'd Land a End upon an auto ear.

am, four-home power motor, carried in Mr. Sturrney, whine weight ie IS MOM, weighing 11 stone. and nearly 200 townie 2, 112 1 of i Ph ew ra rSa ir 11 es 1 the Pam of Killiskrankie without the I trouble, and without rither Mr. Sturnivy hill servant having tn When at Pemrit thel Adm. left the main route and drove to Ul and over the lirkstone Pans down into Ana tn.) longest day's ionruev was NI miles.

did not travei on Stindays, and the plume, of 229 males was accomplished without hitch at an pace of ten miles per hour all through. The F.nd was reached at half.pust fair on Mr. Sturmey proposes entitumir tin tour the South Coast to Lorcium DELICIOUS IiAZAWATTLE DELICIOUS lIAZ ATTED Istalle Ur. Madras Tub et net? ripaLl 61. taw, V.

RAILWAY SMASH AT BURNLEY. Rodney traffic between Burnley and Todmotden IS the Lancashire and Yorkshire Itedna. was driorgariund yesterday morning by an tat Clivtger. A goods train from Norman' tea to Losrock Hell had got within two nules of I Barsky, when the train divided. Only eleven wasgons were left teeth the engine.

the remaining forty being detached. The driver. realising that something was slackened speed when the rear pert of the tram ran down the decline and dashed into the waagons which bad been left with the enetne. Three or four trucks left the metals, and the permanent way was torn up for distance of three-quarters of mile. No one was Injured.

Trains were greatly delayed. FOOTBALL LEAGUE FOR SOUTHPORT. A suoressful effort wee lost 'teeing made to revive the Southport and District Football League. Mr. Jolumon.

of Nigls Park, presided over an estbusiestic meeting of the representatives of the various junior clubs of the town and district. and it was unanimously agreed to form a League much on the principles which governed the old Mr. ii W. Bunt was ap. pointed bon secretary pro tern Mr.

W. Barbee wee elected president. and Mews. Isaac Smith, Rolimstin. A Hammond, J.

Dewburet A Rantsbotters, J. Jaye. J. Wainirrtglit, and II Webb were sleeted vinepresidenie The au trance fee was bred at 2. sad the deposit also at 2s 61.

It was also decided that the League be ruled by a committer consisting of repressotautes of the dub, connected with (he competition. The following dab, bate been enrolled as being willing to join the League Sonthbank, Southport Unded, L. and Lorm, St Peal's. Chapel-street Congregational West Bud. North Meals.

Working Lads. Bursoxigh 2rid, Marshaide Blom Trinity Old Boys. Southport Olonpee, Blowick United, High Plat 2nd, Banks 2nd. and Langton. ODUFELLOWSHIP AT ORMSKIRK.

Last night the iumaversary of the William the Fourth (Omiskirki Lodge of the Grand United Order of Oddfellows tiraa held in the Working Mats Institute. About 330 members and friends sat down so an excellent tea. Subsequently Mr. F. A.

Jones, deputy coroner, took the chair, and he was supported by Mr. William Snaps (trust Mr. Henry Jones (secretary), Mr. H. Jonas, end other officers of die Chairman said thc Advantages to be obtained by jointng that or some kindred society were so obvious.

cepecsally to those who desired to provide against sicknew, accident. or death, that be need say little further on the point. Hu sympathy had for very long time been extended towards societies melt as thm. and towards them who helped them selves in providtng for the time of trouble. Accor.

mg to the statulme of the whole Order, they wers in very prosperous and sound conchtson. The adult ono.b reitip was 231,246, an increase on the year of 10142. (Appleasel The total membership, Umluding addts, lien. members, widows, and juveniles, was 330.430. Tu, Lumber of male lodge, was 3440, and of female lodges 10711.

making total of 4518 for the two. The reeeipts for the peat jou amounted to £239,793 Hs sod the payntiats for benefits, sick psy, to £1584174 is. lel. The increase in receipts over the preceding year was £3l 719 15s. 3d.

'The capital of the Order awe to £955,9011 Ns. which. irk hie opinion, was very satisfactory. (Hear, bear. Commit to that lodge, they had in their oaken as capable bode of men, looktng after their affairs woody and well, as they could possibly find in the town.

(Applause-I They had on the Ist of Janu. Ary a memberehip of 210. According to their bal. m.0.-sheet their mvestromm amounted to £1463 19e. which meant that the investments aver.

aged about LT per member. He thought those figures would satisfy anybody in that room as to the souirdness of be Order, and as to the advisetelaty of everyone not already a member joining that or some other kindred society. Fie concluded by proposing the success of the Lodge proposal which met with a hearty FOtall of thanks were passed to the officers. the caterers, anti the capital programme of vocal and instrumental music was contributed by local and dance followed. Mr.

G. Thernley wee the the musk was wipplied by Mr. F.Watt's quardille hand, while the catering was us the capable hands of Mrs. Culahaw. of the Queen's Head, the headquarters of the lodge.

THE ORDER OF RECHABITES. WORK DI THIS DISTRICT. MEETING OP THE COUNCIL. The annual nreettlig of the North Meols and Southport D.SLOCt Council of the Independeot Order of Reehattnes was held in the Temperance Institute on Monday afternoon. Brother Robert hatbom, doanct elect ruler, occupied the and there we.

a full attermlgnee of officers, and a number of delegates were likewise present. Councillor J. Dimoad, secretary. presented the report, which showed sattsfartory nutmeats et niemberthip during the paat quarter Thee had now 36 tenth with a total of 2395 on advance of 22 niembors same lad quarterly reacting. Of this total thee thousand are members of the liotabper.

Ivrea; the outside the borough boundary iodide those of Beths. Tarteton, Standish, Platt Bridge, Apphey Bridge. ether places in the colliery on this side of Wigan. The state of the Seances was also muse for Benefaction. Four deaths had taken place during the quarter at a cost of £3O.

The mortgage fund was progressing, about £BOOO hemp now advanced on some 47 mortsirms. Corn. pared nab last year thd of ow, Elite) A. the ntitiner um twelve months rem being 43. The meeting then proceeded to the animal election of offzers, and the folk wing were made Chief Ruler, Brother Rohert Wareing.

Ark of Safety Tent. District Deputy Ruler, Brother Thomas Grundy. Refuge Tent, Lamherhead Green; Dial net Ci.ardien, Brother William Sefton, Excelsior Tent: District Secretary, Brother John Danced the 28th tune of his District Treasurer. W. Vanghan, Auditori.

Brothers Amos Toinltnson and Henry Aalicroft Brother. Pteepoint. Lunt. and Blundell. meeting of the javenile tents in the diariet we.

held in the Institute in the evening. preceded by tea, to which about asty representativee of both juvenile and adult team eat down. The subeement preettedings were preeided over by Illenther Simm. juvenile chums thief ruler. and on eddrees was given by Brother Middleton.

who. on brand( of the district. made presentatioe to Brother Croasley, late d.strict treasurer of the juvenile section, who has recently left Southport. Brother Middleton stake of the valuable nerviest rendered the Orion he Brother Crossley. sad then handed to hist a hendeome framed of Membership.

a regarded la Mark of view: honour io the order. HOGHTON-STREET LITER ART AND MUSICAL SOCIETY LECTURE BY THE REV. J. J. FITCH.

The opening meeting Of the winter mesion of the Rogleonctryed Church Literary and Nuecal Society was held last evening. Be the special request of tbe members. the pastor the Rey J. J. Fitch), repeated his admirable lecture on filiakapeare's Indebtedness to the Bible," which he originally before the society at the beginanig of last winter.

On the occasion. bowewer, the address was gives in the chords, and it pretteded by a short metal by the organist, Dr. W. Benthatn, F.R.C.0.. and Mae Burrows, vocalist.

songs Ifeydn's Song and "Heaven and Earth" IDemeni. both of ilium well rendered in voice of natural beauty. Toe chair ocritick by Dr. Herne. made few cpriste oOsarvs tom prior to the commencement of the Fitch.

in the introductory portion of has paper, of Shakeepeare as a Bible student. They might take, be said the entire range of English literature put together. and they would not Sod thsugh united them an, so witch evidence of that careful roily of the Scrtpt tires and end judicious use of tlirtu. so they would find in Shane alone. Undoubtedly the fire greet denote- Christian post wan Dams, but Shakespeare wee generations ahead as teacher of Clinentan teethe.

He allowed no Angola: prejudice to tint IN or use. of tire. An 012211111. humanity ettoordinated all his facultiex. d7alone any other non.

sod great B. he might be. they would noon detect some pertiehly or was. But Shakespesre had no pecolmrity: no tussle lope. When be enjoned 'Nothing teuteete, nor set down sight in he gave that Me of his own incomparable work.

and when he Seedbed as he did many in etery I wrote. it wits ever with that Name unpreauxhd. and honest mind. Shakespears S. lat spirit was an exponent of the amistiamity.

The lecture: went on to give by 1011101Miellne ham and frau Slakewon WI Moe irtoxtrations of his web. ad Ohne Masai( to the cardinal points at Mails to the spiritual node of 'madhaelimak eamieimee of man. and the nab- Ofpro. Ilisfaspeore perpetually reminded of busipann direct quotation, indirect anti. Won, lisensined lams, and correspondence of phrase and des.

I. oonelusion. he said that toooolli boot mid to prove that no man could. with 4.11111.117. sing the praises of ighakeepeere, and dm WNW to the Bible.

for by emirin and nedillstins its eternal writdons the poet altsanti Ilene 'nights of power and influence which aemwailed the whole world. The Bible and illmhisigmire hammed to very different periods of line, and had army points of cootrast. They did net spank with meetly the name tone and cadences In their velem nor del they appeal elegy; to the same anatimmits and ernoteone; neverthelees, they very shoe towetbre, and of ten lay in parallel They were the taw mobled rottpstsaan of tie liestishspeckle( posedes, sod to be thoroughly senwsmont with thaw have those two boas at time Amgen be the penereion al literery edsoirion reedy superior to that wilds frequently powd as such: would yield liner 1g iii ibe um and enjoyment of the Emilia awing, then was commonly r' it, the sobasts: and orah' 've them. of reference and of q.askadsto lighten ti lift the thoughts an. te relieve the burden and sweeten ths I at hte.

th ieet em Gas Tina Neff Me. Oil Wham Illhibea Illagidat 117. Tams Illadgara sad Saa's 1104 mlit4 where CARRIAGE ACCIDENT CROSSENS. An accident of a rather serious nature on Tateday on the Crowns road. by which 31a and Mrs.

Backward Bell and their niece. of 7. Croes.street. suffered considerable damage They were long an the direction .4 Crowns. and on peening the hoes.

of Jai Baker, farmer. in Binkfleld.lane. the horse shied at load of potatoes winch were just then being tipped 11210 hole. The horse jumped across the footpath and round. throwing the driver off the boo, and then rushed to the oppode eide of the rod into a cop and thorn edge.

The eala was overterned and the occupants thrown into the dd. They taken Into Mr. Baker's house. Dr. Hawk.ler.

of Roelane, afterwards attended them. Mr. Ball was found to have has arm fractured. and all three were more or lees towed about the head and body. They were afterwards conveyed home in anotbm cab.

A DISAPPOINTED OFFICE SEEKER. EXCITING SCENE IN SIR WILFRID LAURiEWS OFFICE. A Central News cablegrams dated Tuesday, says a wan turned said to be dasappotnted office-seeker, to-day rushed through the private entrance to bitlfnd Launer's office brandishing revolver, and crying out. "lot after Imunert ill slims him" He fired one allot which narrowly escaped the Lead of Alderman Powell. A number of persona inunedtately attempted to capture him, but he avoided them, and rushed out again into the street, where Ise made good his ewape.

He was, however. arrested later on in the day. Uses alleged to have beer excited by drmk. JUDGES IN RETIREMENT. The Judges Wring in retirement aro or.

Lord Ether. Esher. Lord Field. formerly a of the Queen's Bench Division. Bar Riderank Fry, formerly Lord Justice Fry.

is now preweingl over the huh Land Commieson. end Ihr Arthur Charles. who retired front the Quene's Bergh in the present yerer. Eight Judges hale completed fifteen years et service Or more. entitling them I.

fells on pew Justice Lindley. wow appouned Master of the Rolls, Lord lindlow. Lord lisitise Chitty, Yr. Baron Pollock, sod Justanes Rawklem Mathew. North.

Day. Tbe late lir. Jetnet Cave had earned his pension. and Intended to retire before the end of the preeent Long Few ma. THE SANITATION OF MAIDSTONE.

DAD STATE OF AFFAIRS. At a meeting of the Maidstone Urban rtistriel yesterday, the Medical Once, of suited that during the past seven days there bad Linn great reductmn in typhoid nOtihent-Onli, us nonlpared with the throe pri.vions weskit Thr Council were now chiefly engaged an thalmig ug the infection from lurking places. After re. (erring to the precautions in nursing 4.lll4enti. the Medical Officer asid no prudent 4 should consume milk unless it had test been' boiled.

It would make the Councils hair stand on end to know the shocking carelessness that hsd come to bin knowledge coneernitig the I twee of acme milk dealers. and, in hie ormon. their was far more risk of secondary estena.on if the disease on large wale through this than. any other channel. healing with drainage.

be stated that the hand-hushed closet and foul house were conditions exactly suited to noon) lodgment for the of the ant be sorry to my that this blot which he bad been trying to remedy for 20 years was likely to mese trouble. In reply to a question, the Sanitary In-, spector made the announcenseet that there were at least 200') not of the MO) homes an the town witheut son!) of water to the 's Robson regarded this as a disgrace' alike to the Council and to civilisation. The toning resolution was unanimously earned That the prtsent system of sewer yeeniation unsatisfactory and dangerous to health, and that tie lirainage Committee be empowered to Mon, tnen.l some other method of ventlation The aster nut-ply to the water-Moneta is aim to be dealt outh at awe. TRADES FEDERATION. A ROSEATE SCHEME.

On Tuesdey evening Kr. P. King of the Clarion Treiles Federation scheme delivered an ridded" in one of the lower rooms of the Cambridge Hall under the auspices of the South. port Trades Comical. Mr.

K. Proudfuot, J.P., presided user numerous attendance, and for the absence of the premident of the exir.eit. Mr. D. Richards.

and elm the vice-preadent, Mr. I. Bond, J.P 11w chairman that Mr. Xing was the pint author with Nunquain Blatchford), of the' Clarion, of a schema of trades federation by which the working people in I their different occupor gone could obtain the best and the het rentuneraum for their labour. That scheme had been circulated by pamphlet all mu the country, and.

in commussee of the tremendous lower of the employers' fedora. uon. the wo.lers had adopted a which they beleed was the hest for the protection of then Manila tApplauw.) Mr. Ling said be took up the question of trade. federation because at one tune he oat connected with a trades union.

There was no federation of I mailers then, and be found that tradesmen were' able to obtain anything that was reasonably demanded. They sumeMed to getting an adeanee in wages of from M. to Cl se. a week, which was rather a substantial advance. They also eueoeedeil in eeducing the hours of labour from 12 to 6 hours, and obtained other advanters that made them perfectly satisfied with the cider, unions that then existed.

When the federation of employers took place he realised that it was all up with the trades tunaus individually, and he told the men so, with remelts that were Litemitious to the trades unions. He, however, theught it possible to meet the int.s.ers on equal terms with the scheme which he wee iii.out to trubron to the meeting. He dal not want them to accept the scheme unless. they were eatieked that it was practical and imitable He did not acme there as Socialist. or member of the Social Democratic Federation, and he weir not there as a Liberal or.

Tory. He was there as trades bi the scheme laid before ttie Cardiff Otttferenee it was stated that preview' schemes of federation bad failed because they went on the of Laing an equal payment, and getting corresponding for the paymerd. Is the Clonal' scheme they fixed an equal paymem and gave oorreepondang benefits. At the conference it wee euggested that each trades union with. membership of from 1000 to SCOO should send a delegate.

That meant that the smaller unions would be disfranchised. The Clarion scheme rave one man one vote; practically every roam had a vote, and all votes were of equal value. It. then proceeded to demonstrate upon a blackboard the iiiilloCiai basis of his scheme, showing how the societies muid be federated on stnet terms of notwithstanding the etrength of their lies trguree, be mid, were startling, but andumeable, and would give the working men an insvht into the inimenes power they poscresed if they would telly tee it. There were 1200 trade union societies in the country, ant, with a sulsociption of impence week each men would be entitled in the event of any one society being on strike to over £24 week! They could thus bring out 24 societies, said give each man £1 pre week.

If the subscription was reduced to one halfpenny week, then each men mild be entitled to £2 a week. A year's lecterns of each meet, should be pooled as a guarantee. It there had been nety federated before the enginee-v canoe out, and the aigrettes had been mewled to the full week's there would have Meet £210.4130 up to now to back than up, and £15,000 a week coming a. 14 to now they had spent of their own money, to that they would now have had le their credit. Reopening the 1203 soeseure with their two million members bad been federated at ad.

a week there would be an income of £50.000 a werk. Had they al" been federated prior to the engineers' Metre. and the engineers bad been mulled to full ereeldy ineonfe of all the other me-tetra, it would make £100.606. The (noting of the year's illieDine of all federated societies would mean that before any trade came out there would be a rum of at their disposal if the contributients Were del. per week.

Those who were to reeena £2 per week ill the event of a strike would have to par 6d per week, thom whit got £1 per week would be called upon for 3d. There would be no increase in the potent contribution in the sociclies the money would only be demanded when was engaged ins strike or lock-out. He believed. that if they had such a federation as that in existence. in Pace ef hundred strikes erbieli now took place there would not be one, because the would me that it was to contend against so powerful an orearusatice and would concede the returnable dementia male.

He wntrld not place that money in the hands it the labour but would leave the rank 'nil file free hand to say what should be done with their nansay. When he spoke of the trade elven leilitheW he said he did not some thole he was se- Aisserened to meet. He would not say what he thought of them. (A Voice- You needn't tell They were puffed up with little hit of and it would be well if some of swelled heads were reduced by cold water Ikanstina 4 7 Pi 4 a be Vit a bat i7 Zeen 7pl 7 War awls Siligli wadi met with the some fats, Ina II Wined SO agitiiin to federate as the hid lb same avoid enable thon ha daft a waliand ereporeiare embwirial sonny, IS, Idirk they end start weak on their own an MM. Ind elm the pelts.

He also did sot cm when powast rims teem rawer reempag re tine seeking sea road retire when 50 Illseree el kge bee emir dear teal, and thus help to NOM 11111 a labour market. in nandinian be oil Owe only one way teams the warbler ma hew the (Melting that nun by federation. questioas were asked of the leeat Ile daft of dre was awarded ad thanks. mono. of Mr.

Tureen. seenaded by -a, the following reeubd on at this 'amain, haring board Mr. of the Clarion bier. behoves that oath a echoes iinonity, mid if canned into egert, ore would seine foe thew such At. as nit WI whet" I lowly Yr.

J. rrL Nguemalra Le es genie by the we sail 'My THE SULTAN AND BULGARIA. THOUBLI WITH THE BISHOPS Alth.tigh harms for the Balearian Whops ,11 Nmeettoros hate not tet Wen granted the bete Or. hodos Mahon of l'skub. the Sermon Amin.

maretnte Ettentlsanc4, battened ha tourney to the repreentationt made the trel reciehed I.7tkeb en the 11th net slime the Bul church and school. were and the hots handed over to the as a protein meant Idonmanor Earnolano's appointment its being Informed of this demonstration the Porte regimented the Balgartan Faareh and Ilareoff, the Butgarina diplomatic agent, to advice the But. ratan aossomAy to demos from all bootie ire. teatimes. THE CANADIAN MAIL SERVICE.

The 'ranee" Ottawa corresponded trilegniplis: estraonimary rooditson of Otos has in eminericon with the Atlantic mall sena, for mem year. The Government have tot a single tender romplying with the terms of the adverusenient that the terminus on this side, both in meter amt summer, should be at a Canadian port The Allan ant Itommion Imes an willing to conunee their priciest service for another seer prorated yawls are allowed to make Maine, their winter termmes. Public sentiment. however. is strongly opposed to holding up an American port at the expert.

of Canada. The impression in official eirelee is that the florenunent will require the Beaver line to carry the heavy newspapers. etc St. John to Liverpool them; the coming issuer, and will wend letters via New lock until the pro. mooed fast service is in operation.

WEST AFRICAN TERRITORY. FIIMPICH AND ENGLISH CLAIMS. U. forroerly French Secretary of for the Os Isaias, has informed the Pans representative of the Pall Mall Gasette that he wof amnion dot the omitting difficulties between France end Inglemd respecting the Niger dehmotattons ailll be arranged. 1 can Amur.

you," mid K.Mimic that the French Comm. ionen ere animated by one peaceful conmderauons. and if England I better, she will dot Mews the gut anon in the same connhatory Wire is no doubt in my mind that an equitable welailow will DlinMvelv be arnved at. That rt the ilti at the Qua. d'Onay.

It le to their mutual interest that England and Prance should come to sp---tly entente ut rt gar to this tremovous The Anglo-French the aSS daily onfluenoe of lite 04110.01, whith the safety Mate of Enth.b end French 0,010. In conclusion M. Sheene said he looked hopefully to the day when England and France will yen hands over all Afnean and by combined action put an and once for all, to that most as of Afitcan Samor7. ELECTION INTELLIGENCE. TUE EXCHANOE OF LIVER.

POOL The forthcoming election in the Exchanged Davision of lAverpool canned by the elevation of, Ur J. C. Iligham to judgeship sill be one of the most antereation and Important that hoe recently taken place. An previously announced. the Con moo Itivei candidate is Ur.

Charles IlleArtimr. whilst the who met yesterday. have selected for the some capacity Mr. Russell shipowner. It in also quite on the cards that.

third candidate maw lie forthcoming from the ranks of the Irish Ketionalasts. The contest wall undoubtedly be keenly fought out, sad the aervativaa and Cmonertg will need to labour untiringly if they we to retain the um. DOG OWNERS AND THE CONTEST. Mr. Charlos Pycroft and Mr.

Edward Murphy. president of the Dirkcnbend Dog ftecWtv. bare sent the following telegram to the President of the Board of Agrientture We. who bare always voted consistently Conservative, we cake" in Ins our of tbe Liberal candidate at Liverpool in connquenee of the nonarbile rdtr aud are confident ws shall tarn tbooloctaon. STARVED TO DEATH.

ENGLISHMAN'S Door FOUND IN TIM DUTIES The New York rorreapotolent of th. Daily Mal' telegraphs fedi, Havana has reorbed the "Journal" that Mr. Frederick Hughes. the artist. aol an oreysional dint of "Black and White." woo found dead on the Prado there on Ttinnolay night been starved to death.

The body lay in the gutter for bruin While saddle Pd ar Del Rio recently under a front the Military Governor, Mr Hughes was atiaonlied by a party of Spanmli guerillas. who mole hot rash and 'Alf tapers 1 1 Spaniels refused to interfere. and when he appealed to the nutmeat er be was only laughed at. Mr Hughes walked long Judson bob to Havana. ragged and starving.

end basin: loq ha passport. could net prove bin identity or cable to England. The British Conant refused to gire him any and belfig without our or friends the unfortanaw roan litecally starved to death The foreign residents at Sanaa are indignant. and demand an investigatanw by the British Govtrnnient. It, Hoehns was the son of retired Navy surgron.

ant had corn, if SOO. se.erahle reputation as a oorrespoadaut LB Western Alma sad the Holden. FRANCE AND THE TARIFF QUESTION SPEECH BY THE MINISTER Or COMMERCE A banquet was given at Nancy on Tuesday even. Mg on the of the inauguratioa of the Iltgher School of Commerce. M.

Somber, Mum tar of Commerce. tqllylng to toast, mad that the United Stat. Imsi given de sanction to a bar. barons namsora In napalm( a duty on pennies' tiers to value greater than one hundred dollars Negouatione hal been opened on the subject, end there was no reason to doubt the United Mates Government would withdraw Ila tntnelloo. When the present French Government assumed office.

he added. the minnow. between France and South American neinsMice were very butmem then eleven sgreessienta have bean coseluded, re. stoning commercial and political M. Boucher mad further that he had endeavoured to extend the relsitona between France and foramen countnm, and to reditee the customs tariff.

He protested ageism the Government being styled Protectionist Government. 'fbey wished for oneinermal equilibnum. which would grre mat enonneme ref in accordant, with the state MI esumerce of Europe. Dimon to be neither nor aggnerion, they wern partiaans of commas union. French needs would be taken into acecnual and temporary enueeseous would be wade tending to favour eare.irts.

SERVING DRINK TO CHILDREN. YR. CHAILIMIALAIN AND 1E LICENSED Vier. IA strong feeling of on The minglism at the action of the Judie's. of ash oh Yr.

Arthur Lionin'aerlasn, broiler of the Right lion J. Cheek rhanthan. on an: eirenlar forbidding Inened to erre drank to clueless usvite thirteen yenta of ate. large metings heat hem held, at whoela resolutions have hen paned protestant wend the evrtalar. nopy of one these solntoons bar Leen forwarded to the Right Hon J.

Citheiaserleaa. baa oldie 11.elibury. Birin'tieffmm. rya, have to witu thanks the iucetpt of your leiter of the 16th instant. from a at the tants of Nor.h Itirnerucham.

protevting aganst the attune of the keel maggetratee I. OW Metter of iteted to Irene botches I iimume this resolution rut to me as my null on her of raagiatntee for the City of but I may inform you that I hare out taken ran a magistertel bustmem for more than twenty sad hare no kr.oclglge whatever of the refecreo. to. or env act on of the IWO rev to tt Under tht cirmitestaeme, 1: wou'd be impertinent in me to offer any but I trve no if cob' the strong feeling ezpremee h. tio o.

Otir mhabrtante vol have dee weight thaw a anthority. am. yours faithfully, J. CJIAJIBEILLALNI." MR. BALFOUR AND AGRICUL-11.


NP. yesterday opened a asle of work in the Waterloo Rooms. Euintrirgh, to atd of the Soutueb Rani, Awnum. Be mead there ma no resemblance beeves. what was railed ooneration in the great cities and the digbleads er Ireland.

On the coatrary, the sreuniiilaten of the population to the great of industry wee not oionome advantage bat an enneteene advantage to all concerned. So far se agricoltuen am concerned. st was quota sun to esp." the populateme mu i been agreuluiral to be prosperous if the nuniber of prone engaged in the district us rtmee 01 what the dogtrot amid support. MI that could be done to 111t44 the ie the Int place, to improve, tio fer as possible, the methods of agriculture, aad, whee the limit of inspromenent hei leen rinehed. or nearly reached, than the popalalne must elsewhere And that sehaistesne which 160 land on which tiny wee bare could not give them In the 4.llrieb populated didnete of the Highleada.

the main mpport of the people muse he agriculture and fishing. but they mead supplement that by home iodise tries, whirls must be of a kind that could ad be better wed by operatives barmg at their mead mot capital and great reamme ef The twes.wery earls fulfilled by the Hame latiedries Aseaciation. An she es Jamessa's Aremical sill kid the completion maim a chavreele, with the brilliancy at porcelain and ad asd that all such blemishes ail freckles lus. seabera, pimples, blotches, douration. redeems.

blackheads. al ditappear like magic. lememg Instead a losely pmk and elate completion. Alms Wel; harroleas. Price 8.1 per tablet, cr Zs.

per bat. Sold in Sootbport by Kr. I B. Fo2gitt, at 29. Nevin-asset.

aM hie other liseacklea linthersee's Chassis' Cake. iatampiots Neat. Man.pion PrommalOr. tigimada MBAs SIMK teem 'my dim A hide b.rd At' Lad presoe ius be stint et snag And none lus smear Nor understootl if Urns in joy. et p.

Or ecstasy be sang. ce rage What cbd he law that hole ura bra. When the glmi atathose 0- all roam When front Me berating throw Poured forth after note. Now pleremely now ronsarely. to whom Made he sueh muse- tiunktng to be Mari, Methinks molt bare eung of lebent Ern mud of ranutuabed ewe intight meg Worm, the rumors' To her but proton walla.

Though nen wtth and crystal glitgering; Where none could eare. nor give her menreahg. He must hare atm. that Mile burly bud, Of leberty of loncol to be Of fhgot. In great blue hemeets height Gleams oar grand.

and endespread hetb, Through all hat breadth of country undeterrnd. He moo hare welt-rash breawn hts hot heart, And pnwtl and pleaded Headed and reptned. Wlth all two song pleeta. Now reckless and now faint. Ararat lus raptor ertiehy mAmbel.

limamisemood from morn tall day's depart Z. G. CAMPHIELIt. Tin SOUTHPORT VISITER, OCTOBER 21, 1897. (5 14.


fur th. Batyaman bishop on the road. by which Ms hot twmt eb. am. A bob A that, of 7.

mg Ortiodoi Bishop of ihr Somas Lodi kid plow raaminte Finnthance, hamen.d ht. mummy sobs mg. made lt. Ott Raman ais. DA ulna dr wog mos the lith allOB And we his WNW vim oririerra II Imo Wry.

st Er IBM or too. A POLICE OFFICER'S DILEMMA. The Peri' imeenapendaet et the "Daily Tele. graph" min has been the mid grievous have bee the tribulations of highly ivetwintable and wee retailed official. For erne moo paw the post he brought him letters and hills from hosts of people with whom be never had any dealings in Ms life.

He he Leen called upon. tit terms more or ler power tory. to pey for ewers which be ea lOC WWII. for gamete which he has not worn. and in knew variety of other engagements which he IPA tear contracted.

The worthy Commuter! of Prlios was melee lii. imprensma that all m.vit to the work of seine pndatie peter. who wee endittainv mit boas ham whi T. A ak b00a 111.1 a oLtwo 7: 4 lus 11111111Ve from a fair damiel. IS NT affn tisanes IneffUNCO.

meeting with him at cement boulevard remittent for that evening. The idea promptly occurred to him Oust here we an opportunity ot finding an etpla nation of the inyn Eery. He a couple of inspectors to the house is question. with a mill inyttation to the Isidy to heutke herself under their owort. to Ma office.

Now, do you nrovuoo me he asked as she appeared on the scene. You written, piing me rendezvous, and we are complete strangers to tech Of couree I do not know iota." the fair one replied. at eince. I wrote 10 your nephew. who live.

Hot 1 hive no neihew. anneend the ear nismary. who ionnediatelv sot on (nu an ineente-' ration. whicit was helped by the implement of. the feeetnating denrel.

who dearnhel the nit and the appearance of the young gentleman who was the cause of all the trouble. The inquiry has resulted in hi: Toenng the eine name at the mummery. and lodine his emall talary inadequate to meet the expenses of the gay and fyinive life which he liked to he had patted hinlielf off as the pole nephew, and had obtained good deal of credit with many tradesmen in uenee. besides smoothing matter, for himself an othe, way. by pronoun; to some hie uncle's patrotege.

to others invitations to deem at the Elyse and Hotel de Ville, and so on. The prominnz mouth may himself on Ma eseape. parrnta having prowled to pay hr creditors, the romoutarry Ible, for thew take refrained from takini, legal procoodnuto. nontrolurg himself with giving him lettere on honesty, which it is to be hoped will best good trait. WORK AT THE POST-OFFICE.

PF.A.1313 RESULTS. According to the report of the Postmaster- Cancel, ass tamed yesterday morning. It is estimated that during the year 18N47, the packets sere delivered is the limite o. 1.893200.000, an tamer ed 32 average number to each person. 47.9.

Postcards. 330.500.000. "imam of 7.0. average awn. her to each person.

0.5. I3ook packets. cereulere, sal sample. inerease, 38, average aannlvrr to sect person 17 8. Newspapers, of 1.1.

average uusu ber leek perean. 31. Parcels 63,71.5.0 M. Increase 62, aversmm oureber to avh 16. The total Wombat 3,141.715,000, bang lIKTIONIt Of S.F.

and gilring sn average tas person of I. T. number of letters moos. The rata of necreaae an the number of tette. is very alightlt than it W.

year, when to was 3.6 ner cent. On the other hand. the raze of merLese in putterda is enst-ni. rably great. lan year, when it was 0.0 trr and it aasumed, therefore, that poswarda ars to certain extent leuers.

this is chiefly tho mse, on doubt. snit private postcards, winch aro now estanuted to be 44 per rent. of the whole number of postcards pusmg through the lost. rate of Ineresse In the boot poet is cooNoterablylMm ULM a WM LNb whoa it was 9.4 por cent. TNt 11 POP? Whirh year showed ith art tul deeresse IN.

nom sligLt increase. ts Ira- to t.oc ot says the Postman er Caws', that to relax the existing rules of the iiint with the new of making IL a pan for periodicals and magazines would rerult in oinking it. halfpenny post for all printed and that such a poet in England. like the corrteponding post in dm United btates, woukl nunouo to the postal 11,001111 The preetnt i.eTc.•eper post is at a lose. 'tic total number of parcels deliser 4 in the Crul dunog the year 1896-77 he.

inereesol by b. 2 per cent from to 63,715 315. Of these were inland parcels IM naaMon. 9,83.3,0111 in 1675-94. The aseragw pa.nnee per inland parcel was 5.44 pence, of winch the Post.oBioe shore was 2.87 pence.

The total number 1 orrels want to and received from places or Cl during the year sem 1.878..311. an increase of 10 ist cent, on the year. increase ti the number of parcels despatched. 1,111.250. as 1.013200 in 1894-96.

was 9.7 per and of panels received 1767.618 as adman. 694.420 se 1895-90 wee 10.5 per eat. The larger, growth has again been in the Wab tiannany, Italy, and south Africa A IMINT To nit PrinAC. It to me, the Ponmaster-ifleneral on, that three numbers indicate that the jubine have not yet thoroughly apprenated the WWII winch the Pun -nfbee is prepared to render. It may be desirable to point out that Inter me be mot by espress messenger to my train, foneartied by that trap, mid met on arrival at the station of dessmation by mother nimensirer reedy to deliver at.

and this an easy mans of of the most rapid kind is rims ided at moderate expense. The value of property in letters armed at the retterned letter offices svas £,13,11 in 1896-97. cum being found to ieltens without any addraaa. The total niaale. her of letters add'mu ass szoo.

Tbe number of parcels found wlllsout address ass 8649. Greater eare sorreary ii. on the Labels. The decrease to the number of inland ordinary money unquestionably due to the of err Knot, on the cheapest orchni in February. and to the trae.o'rtion being niverivd 6 5 posts orders.

monev or lers increamd by 4 per cenf and the sum transmitted by 2 per rent. 'li. thus resonant oat fallen from £3 7s. 24. to £3 ss.

10d. The number of ponal tamed Me been 117.182,901. representing £24.826 874, as against 04,978,377 for in 1895-96. The number shows as Anaemic of 4 8 per cent wlide tine arnottut MAW mined nites an increase of 3.9 per mat. haat 1V11146 At the end of December last there were 6.1062 OAS aortounis open and the 4,, to prawn was £108.098.641.

The aveme sum to the credit of each account open at the end if len was LIS 15s. as assort £l5 is. 14. in 1665. The total termer dune.

the year as the amount of held by the menses beak imperalleled JO 14 heitory. and Atly marks in which the figure of 100.000.000 hoe reached and pared. The average car of each transeruon was 64.. and the MOIL per WOO the total amount to the depositor's newt was is. as nonipared 'nib 6.414.

and la. 554. to 1866. Nolen ng tar sidearms of the rate of sorban emperor, the ran, the once of Consols iatutd rose amberremement, sod the whole burner after payment af es and of 25 peg cent antenna to 4etces be. them, a dirt of £3791.

which hes voted by Parke. mewl. the fret yrs secs the grabble. meet of the Bask that any dater bes occurred. Dunng the year 79.413.566 telegrams of ab daereptcre were forwarded.

all a. maser of 563.386. Of theme were ordinary trend mammon The revises was £1070045. the a mho being 7.564. ae compared Inds 7.614.

There were 3537.701 tar. grams at peen for Devevapeni. clubs. besug a demurs of 77,863 mer 1.34. peg met.

.13 WILIAM( weave nitosarinD The average weekly member of woe ecesteiera them telegrams was sheet 13,471 Leeway companies esE 1,321406 free telegrams. being an memo, of 4.43 wee met. The transfer of the trwa teissiene hens beim ea the rti 4ril, 1606. and the meter ere reeking There are 243 pow -Elton mem for trunk sem Up to the Ed of the year the Lea erected 19 320 main of wire. The was 29.000.

makang. with in the mune of commwelase. real mileage ef 92E0. It a to note shea the emir graph system Ekes over by the 1 MEI the telegraph rempasise newprimil se mem thaw 48120 mike of wire. The EEGs new emirs et o'er NO wparale Is Mewls.

whieh are rappie. formed by more than.llooo Eremite between Me NE Eike. mid the Negional Triapheme Oempany a. It is with greet int the Duke of bee sem tie aceneewee at the whole prepme4 by the Tesidomib Cow laid4o6. sod NOMINIMAS.

11 7 111 1 11 own the lasmatlisto IPA I. the 1101 6 4t be nsa4 60N1.000 year, est "607 TES WI so uTH PO RGENS, This Afternoon, at 3, i the PAVILION and each afternoon in the each. OR CONCERT, Mr. feENTON ASHLYN (Tbe New Hnissenr). OPERA HOUSE.

To-night, at 7-30, and dnring the Week. Ma. A. A. COMPANY, in the Socoembil Maniral: "THE BALLET By James T.

Tannx, Lyrics by Rom, Mask hy Carl Elegem. Admission, 61. to 5, Plea of Seaga now ready. WIRTH'S GRAND CIRCUS. Te-sigbt, at 7-45.

la. nod 4d. Early 2., le. and 6A. Con.

tractors Half-price to 35., 25.. and It. Afternoon Performances Monday. Wednesday, and Sat aid 2-30. Entire Change of Programme and Artistes Weekly.

OPERA HOUSE. Nimilay Nest and the Week. Mr. 'kV ILLT AAI GREET'S COMPANY, In the Soecetsfal Musical Comedy, "THE NEW MEPHISTO," Written by George Dance. Admission 6d.

to se. ANNUAL cONSERVATIVE SOIREE. Monday October Zitti. pRINCE OF WALES THEATRE LIVERPOOL. Sole Proprietor and Manager Mr.

Harold B. Nelson To-night, at S. A MARRIAGE OF CON VENIENCE." New beinK played to crowded homes at the Haymarket Theatre, imnihm POWERFUL COMPANY, including 11R. LEWIS WALLER. MISS MABEL LOVE, and MISS FLORENCE WEST.

Preceded at 7.313 by an interlude entitled THE MOUSETRAP." Box Office open 11 to 4. Telephone 1431. Early Doors, 6-45. OY A Li vF IT L. THEATRE, Proprietors ROBES? Aaymta TligArala COMPANY Liiirrnal.

Managing Director Me. Roams, Airmen. Important Engagement of MISS Accompanied by Mr. Augustin Daly's Company of Comedians. Tonight (Thursday).

at Mr. Augnstin Daly's Comedy. in Four Acts, I "THE LAST To-morrow (Friday), TWELFTH NIGHT." Box.offlee 11 to 4. Telephone 1737. Early Doors Monday next, UNDER THE RID ROBE." NT EMPIRE kw LI RP OO A LIME.B Managing Director H.

E. Woes. Every Evening at 7-32 Matinee Saturday next alt Rotors Visit of the American BIOGILAPH. BARTLEY ANT) MAY, THE NINE ROAF.BCDR. ABEL ANT) WELSH.

And as exceptionally Strong Company of Animas MORNING PERFORMANCE Every Saturday st 2, Until further notice. Box Open 11 to 4. Telephone 6116. Early Doors 6-45. 4 ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL .0 0 STEAMERS TO I I STATES AND CANADA I (Under Contract with the Canadian Governomal Inc Coaveyance of She Canadota PROM LIVERPOOL.

Nurnidlau "or Quebec anti Montreal, Oct. 31 Carthaginian For Quebec Moamar), Oct. I Mateo( California For 9orber Mietrrei, 'Thur. Nov 4 Organ Rare. from £lO 10s.

Second Cabia, lAI SR. Through Tickets to all Special Rates. Line Handbook and other Pit-Thlete Pere. Direct Serowe. from Ola.gow to York and Borten and Philadelphia nil the year romid.

Full particalara on applioation to MAI. BOOTH, Market-passage E. I. THOMAS. Londoo.etreet ALLAN BROTHERS Ann co, 10.

Jamermrees, Liveapool. AND THE HOLY I.AND. Dclialithil 'meliorative Ronad Tours. RIVER PLATE DIRECT. MADEIRA and the CANARY ISLANDS GIBRALTAR, TUNIS.

MALTA. Intoresting Handbook' on application. for elegance, comfort. sagety, sad cheapness. JAMES KNOTT.

Managing Owner. 0, Great SI. Helena, Loadoi, Idnaleyalreet, Manchester; Motile) atreet. Newcaetle-on-Tymt. 4 4111 MOSS LINE STEAMERS Sail Regalarly to Bor.

Gibraltar. Algiers, Malts. Alexandria. Crprita, Berma Coast, flyrs, Smyrna. and Cormtantiaople.

Excellent Aecomme.datien for and Second 1... Passengers. ADIOS, irnidship. Electric Light, Bathe full particulars apply to JAMES MOSS AND CO, A JAMES STREET, LIVERPOOL. it ALL STEAMSHIP LINES AT LOWNIT POsSIIILE RATES Onr Office, Are the Centre for all Rates, tad Innen of every Stnenwhip Line In tht 3 4l at complete Travelilug Management, TO EVERT LAND AND BY EVERY BRA.

WILLIAM WATSON AND COKPANT. Probers. U. Matalmammt 'IARSIILLS. Egypt, Ceykn, Bar' Alt mab.

and India. by the anwly 'improved and ourelerated service. via Colombo sod Three weekly by the Bibby Line of tvrioocrewMail Alm M. Chepel.street, Liverpool. DOPULAR RIGBY'S First.elses Char.a.barie and Four Hermes lIISTIM the OFFICE NEVILL-STREET, at interssls during the summer raorialta (sod weather pormittingl for serious pieces of interest.

Beets mess be booked not later than 12 o'clock on the day of welt partleolott, of will antler the for To-day to em. of this paper. I ARRANGEMENTS FOR TO-DAY. I Winter Paviiion. Orc- hestral 3 p.m.

(Og, 7 eB ra Hoone, Tbe allet Girl, 7.30 pm Royal Gamut Tlre -46 Tit re. Liverpool Miss Ada Rehan sod Company. 7.30 pm. of Wales Theatre. Liverpool: A Marriage of Convenience.

7.30 m. new Enipire Th Liverpool: Variety Entertain. merit, 740 prn. Hall. Lordatreet Band of Hope Demon.

Aeration, 730 nt. St. Luke Church Sermon by the Rev. Si. F.

Bell, FRIDAY- Winter Gardens Psodion, Orcheetral Coneeh. 3 p.m. Opms House. "The Ballet Orl. 7.30 p.m.

I (limp, 7-45 Royal Court Theatre. Liverpool Mies Ada Rehm, sod Company. 740 to Peinee of NA ales Theotre, Liverpool Marriage of Coovtnience, 7-30 p.m. New Empire Theatre, Liverpool: Variety Entertainment, 7-30 p.m. Bt.

Paul's Church Harvest Festival, 7.30 p.m. St. Lake's Church Sermon by the Rev. Percy Oetben, 7,30 m. PERMANENT ATTRACTIONS Winter Gardens Censervetor7, 7iv i Hall, and 1 The A lVr iften frot 7,10 a 9 6- 7116-30 10374 1 7 0.

from SJO a.m. till 11.30 pot. Southport Recreatloo Ground, Promenade (opposite Duke-street', closes at dusk. Botanic Gardena, Churchtown Open from 9 om. 6221 dank.

Hearth Pohl ie Park, Pub-roed Closes at dusk. Victoria Bache. Ptomensde: Open daily from 6 sac to 1330 pm. TIDE TABLE. morning Height.

Time. Height. Terrlay 7. 0 Sift tin. 7,33 34n.

Friday 0- 3 Uft Ho. 030 aft. Wu. HOLY TIUNITY CHURCH, SOUTHPORT. Daily limning Prayer throsghoot the year at 10.95.

Daily Choral at 4-70. Thursday, Oct. Commanion at Noon. ST. PAUL'S PARISH CHURCH.

SOUTHPORT. Friday. Oct. honied at 11.30. Verthe 113.

Jib' late .130. Hymn 500. Festival al I TM. Psalms hEn 111 1147, 42 llareald at and None sieinford In flat. Anthem.

the Lord," Hall. ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH. SOUTHPORT. Evening Service nod Serums on Wednesday.

nl7-JO Litsay and Address on Fridays at 11-30. ST. PHILIP'S CHURCH, SOUTHPORT. TharadaY, Oct. Prayer at 7 o'clock.

ST. LUKE'S mimic 1i SOUTHPORT. Thnralay. Oct. at T-30.

Psalms 94, Magoilleat 104, None Dindttla 137. Hymn. AIS, 540. 4. Faith of on.

Fathera." Friday. Oct 72 at 7.30. Psalms 456, 4. lii Nun. Dintittls 173 Hymns 4E4, 704.

Faith of not ST. PITNIIII CHURCH, BIREDALIL rxids7. OA. ficsviee at 10 30. mirth, starrin ts, RIO Ileatbs.

Notices of Breeseod are charged le. 6d. ench. and 2a 6d. each, pre ional words, each aa "No earls.

te are ch Is. extra. When the notice ev-eada floe lame 6.4. exam will he charged for each hoe. They same be antheaticaled by the eases sad Mantle of each seeder.

MARRIAGES. 20. it Oh 'peeplie. litthdale. by the Rev.

James of Burvrough, aseieted by the Very Eire. Canon Gordon and the Rev. W. A Eager, 0 11.11., Bernard, eetionil non of thorge Chainberlain. J.P., of fielenshnime, Weeteldfc-road, Etriidafe, to Margaret Ellen, eldest doukhter of Dr.

Joieph Kirk. ley Cottage, Miudley. Isaltherooo- Nous -October lk it St. Parteh Cherch, Blundellsbnds. by the C.

de 22 Winslow. MA, James Henry KeitaLly Th eon of omas Fleury Itherwood, to third daughter of David high, Loth of Blundell. "ands. At home December 7th. Bth.

14th. sal 15111, at Craigtelea," Croeby-rood North. tt No earth. DEATHS. at 2.

James Edward, non of ,1611116 sod Ilsrectret H. King. 25 WeLarh-Oclober V. it 17. the reel.

den, of her nephew, Yapniiiiter Percy E. 8, Smith, Hid late Indian Navy, Rebecca Walker. last surviving dgughter of the late Wng Walker, of Bt. Helens. in her Sat year.

Friends New avert We the only intimation. THE SOUTHPORT VISITER, TFLURSDAY OCTOBER 21, 1897..

The Southport Visiter from Southport, Merseyside, England (2024)


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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

Phone: +3571527672278

Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.