League Of Legends: Best Champion Combos For Arena (2024)


  • Arena mode in League of Legends is back with exciting changes, including a 16-player format and new items.
  • Champion synergy is crucial in Arena, with duos like Trundle & Swain dominating with their sustain and playstyle.
  • Unique combos like Rengar & Ivern or Master Yi & Taric can lead to success in Arena mode if played strategically.

Arena is back in League of Legends, and this time, fans of the chaotic game mode will be able to enjoy it for 4 months, with a view to it eventually becoming a permanent feature of the MOBA down the line. Players can also expect an array of exciting changes, most prominently the fact that Arena is now 16-player, with 8 teams of 2 battling out to place in the top 4 spots.


Fans looking to dive into League of Legends' Arena mode should follow these tips and tricks.

Other changes include new Prismatic items that can define a build, the addition of Anvils that present a random selection of items, as well as Anvil stats that give players even more adaptability. There is even a new map, featuring a Bloom Bridge, which isn't always traversable. Nevertheless, the core gameplay remains the same, and it all comes down to how well teams can duel it out. Therefore, champion synergy remains a priority, which means that League of Legends players should know who the best duos for Arena are.

Updated August 5, 2024, by Joe Grantham: With this third iteration of Arena being the longest that it has graced the screens of League of Legends players, there has been plenty of opportunity for experimentation. Beyond players figuring out what is best, the game mode has also seen numerous balance changes and larger updates. On top of various champions receiving direct buffs or nerfs, the most recent update introduced dozens of new items and Augments which have shaken things up. For all these reasons, there are plenty of new top-tier Arena combos for those fighting for first place.

14 Galio & Briar

Difficulty: Medium

League Of Legends: Best Champion Combos For Arena (2)
  • Galio CCs the enemy, while Briar attacks for free in her Frenzy mode.
  • Their ults can be used together to dive into the opposition, starting a non-stop chain of CC and damage.

Galio and Briar are an unlikely duo, and yet they have found success together in Arena. While Galio is one of the best Mid Laners in League's current meta, it is Briar whose newfound potential in Arena is turning heads.

Despite not being a standout Jungler at the moment, only having two enemies to fight is an advantage to Briar who often gets caught out in large team fights. On top of both being strong and having mixed damage, the duo works thanks to Galio's ability to keep the enemy locked up while Briar goes wild in her Frenzy mode. Their ults can even be combined with Briar diving in first, followed by Galio smashing down on top.

13 Veigar & Darius

Difficulty: Easy

League Of Legends: Best Champion Combos For Arena (3)
  • If the enemy finds themselves trapped in Veigar's cage with Darius, they won't last long.
  • Darius also helps keep the enemy away from Veigar and soaks damage.

Veigar is one of the best champions in Arena currently, but ideally, he needs a tank, bruiser, or juggernaut by his side (or rather in front of him) to keep him out of harm's way. Darius is a great partner for Veigar, as the two of them fight at a similar range, and Darius can pull foes into Veigar's cage.

Darius also happens to be one of League's best Top Laners in recent patches, so it is unsurprising that his dominance in small skirmishes is carried over into this game mode. Their mixed damage is always a plus, meaning that a tank jacked up with armor or magic resistance will not be immune to both.

12 Zed & Vladimir

Difficulty: Hard

  • Zed and Vlad are both hard to play but even harder to kill in their own ways.
  • Because Zed is AD and Vladimir is AP, they have incredible mixed damage.

Zed and Vladimir are both fairly hard champions to play in League, and Zed in particular takes many years to master. However, if players are able to pull off this duo with some level of competency, they are easily one of the deadliest threats in Arena.

As Arena has accelerated scaling, Vladimir is somewhat able to bypass his weak early game and skip to the point where he becomes an unkillable battle mage. While Vlad is sustaining and going untargetable with his pool, Zed is able to dip in and out of the fray thanks to his mobility. Blinking to his shadows also allows Zed to get plenty of the healing plants in Arena, and of course, if the enemy is squishy, he will assassinate them.

11 Singed & Cassiopeia

Difficulty: Hard

League Of Legends: Best Champion Combos For Arena (5)
  • Cassiopeia deals more damage to poisoned targets, which is what Singed does best.
  • As they both have Ground abilities, enemies who rely on dashes will find themselves stuck.

Many players know that Cassiopeia's E, Twin Fang, deals bonus damage and heals against a poisoned target. They also know that this works against enemies poisoned by champions other than Cassio herself. However, as Cassiopeia is traditionally a Mid Laner, and since not many champions have poison damage, this interaction rarely gets utilized.


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In this unique mode with teams of two, though, Cassiopeia can pair up with Singed and poison enemies to death, while not letting them move with their grounding abilities. This is one of many Arena duos that players will hate playing against.

10 Rengar & Ivern

Difficulty: Medium

League Of Legends: Best Champion Combos For Arena (7)
  • Ivern can make bushes for Rengar to jump from and deal more damage.
  • Ivern also protects Rengar, turning him into a raid boss.

Rengar and Ivern have always been a unique and fun combo in League of Legends and have even seen some success in Bot Lane. However, after some Arena-specific buffs for Rengar last time around, they quickly rose to the top of the Arena duos tier list and are still a good team in this iteration.

The way this combo works is that Ivern creates bushes for Rengar, who can perform large leaps from bushes, dealing extra damage. Ivern can also shield Rengar and fully support him, allowing him to carry. With some of the new Augments and Prismatic items for Arena, this duo can get very interesting.

9 Yasuo & Yone

Difficulty: Hard

League Of Legends: Best Champion Combos For Arena (8)
  • Knockup enemies as the Wind Brothers, giving Yasuo endless opportunities to ult.
  • This is a difficult duo, but they are deadly in the hands of skilled players.

As brothers with similar abilities, Yasuo and Yone are an iconic duo in League of Legends and are currently strong together in Arena. If either of them can land their knockups, then the fun will never end, and enemies will quickly be brought to their demise.

When played to perfection, this duo is nearly unstoppable in Arena, but of course, that is easier said than done with both of them being among the hardest champions to play in League. As they both deal AD crit damage, they can also be easy to itemize against, although with 8 teams rather than 4 in Arena now, building to counter the enemy is a lot harder.

8 Mordekaiser & Kha'Zix

Difficulty: Medium

League Of Legends: Best Champion Combos For Arena (9)
  • Isolate a target for easy Kha'Zix assassinations by using Morderkaiser ult on their ally.
  • Morderkaiser should ult the tankier enemy, giving Kha'Zix a squishy target.

Mordekaiser and Kha'Zix make an interesting duo that is only strong in Arena against two enemies at once. The idea behind this combo is simple. Kha'Zix deals more damage with his Q to isolated enemies. Therefore, if Mordekaiser ults one of the enemies, taking them to the death realm, then Kha'Zix will be left to assassinate the lonely prey.

The player piloting Mordekaiser should aim to ult the tankier enemy, and they do not even need to fight. All that matters is that the Morde buys time for his partner.

7 Kog'Maw & Lulu

Difficulty: Medium

League Of Legends: Best Champion Combos For Arena (10)
  • A classic Bot Lane duo, who both happen to be strong in the current meta.
  • Lulu buffs up and peels for the Kog'Maw who shreds through enemies.

Lulu and Kog'Maw have always been a good Bot Lane combo, but thanks to changes to Arena and their current overall power, players can now truly put their 2v2 potential to the test.


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The premise is simple. Kog'Maw is the hyper carry, and if Lulu can successfully keep him alive, the buffs she grants will enable him to shred through even the beefiest of tanks. Thanks to his mixed damage profile, Kog'Maw is also able to make use of a wide variety of Augments and Prismatic items, with adaptability being even more important in this iteration of Arena.

6 Veigar & Pantheon

Difficulty: Easy

League Of Legends: Best Champion Combos For Arena (12)
  • Pantheon's point-and-click stun sets up Veigar's entire combo.
  • Together they have excellent mixed burst damage and two executes.

Some of the best Arena comps in League have one standout combo that not only makes them exciting to try, but powerful too. With Veigar and Pantheon, the premise is simple; if Pantheon can get in range for his point-and-click stun, then Veigar can follow this up with his cage and full burst combo.

Pantheon's own damage is nothing to overlook either, and with both physical and magical damage, they are difficult to build against. Another combo for this Arena duo starts with Veigar trapping an opponent in his cage, and Pantheon ulting on top of them. The fact that they both have executes is also a huge plus when trying to close out intense fights.

5 Sona & Graves

Difficulty: Medium

League Of Legends: Best Champion Combos For Arena (13)
  • Sona can turn Graves into a true carry who will always end up back on max health.
  • This duo packs a surprising amount of damage.

Sona and Graves are one of the more surprising Arena combos to be topping the charts, as squishy pairs don't usually fare too well. However, with Sona in a good spot, Graves is able to get that extra burst of damage, whilst also having his health constantly topped up.

It is Sona's often-overlooked Q that grants Graves extra punch on his autos, and with plenty of enchanter items to choose from, she has other ways to buff his damage too. With a little bit of Lifesteal and Sona's heals, Graves will find himself hard to kill, whilst also having greater kiting power thanks to Sona's speed boosts.

4 Sylas & Cho'Gath

Difficulty: Medium

League Of Legends: Best Champion Combos For Arena (14)
  • Once Sylas & Cho'Gath get on top of an opponent, they will chain CC them to death.
  • They have similar levels of sustain meaning they do well in the typically longer fights of Arena.

Cho'Gath is easily one of the best champions for Arena this patch, and unless his partner is super weak, he will almost always find success. However, if players want to come first rather than just place in the top 4, then they should consider taking Sylas alongside him.

Sylas is in a great spot currently and compliments Cho'Gath with more CC to be chained, as well as his sustain. This means they both do well in long-drawn-out fights. While one downside is that they both deal magic damage, this is harder to counter in an 8-team game mode, and Cho'Gath's ult is great for finishing off foes as it deals true damage.

3 Bel'Veth & Yuumi

Difficulty: Medium

League Of Legends: Best Champion Combos For Arena (15)
  • Yuumi is great at buffing up Arena's strongest fighters, such as Bel'Veth.
  • Bel'Veth has dashes and hard CC which shores up Yuumi's weaknesses and is rare among Yuumi's partners.

In the current Arena meta, if players attach Yuumi to one of the game mode's strongest fighters, they are in for an easy time. While Bel'Veth isn't the easiest champion to pilot in the Jungle or in Arena, any players who have gotten to grips with her odd play style will soon discover that she is incredibly strong.

One of Yuumi's biggest weaknesses is that she has no hard-CC, but Bel'Veth makes up for this with her knockups, making them a good pair. As the sole target in 2 v 2 fights where Yuumi is attached, her partner will always come under a lot of fire, but with the ability to dash four times in different directions, a skilled Bel'Veth player can dodge her way to victory.

2 Master Yi & Yuumi

Difficulty: Medium

League Of Legends: Best Champion Combos For Arena (16)
  • Yuumi makes Master Yi even more unstoppable with shields, heals, movement speed, and buffs to his damage.
  • Success mostly comes to down to the skill of the Master Yi player, who is harder to master than generally perceived.

Master Yi has always been a carry who excels with the help of a support to shore up his weaknesses. The latest Yi combo to take Arena by storm sees him paired up with Yuumi, who attaches herself to Yi to provide all manner of buffs and some slows.


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On top of the heals and shields, Yuumi importantly provides Master Yi with more movement speed and increased attack speed, allowing him to stick to the enemy and slice through them even faster while periodically becoming untargetable. As Yuumi herself cannot be attacked while attached, AOE damage and CC, which are usually strong in Arena, are made redundant against this duo.

1 Sona & Shyvana

Difficulty: Easy

League Of Legends: Best Champion Combos For Arena (18)
  • With Sona's help via heals and shields, Shyvana feels unstoppable.
  • Their individual strength combined makes for easy wins.

Sona and Shyvana are among the strongest Arena champions, and they happen to complement each other greatly. Shyvana for example, is already hard to kill, but with Sona backing her up with heals, shields, and movement speed, the pair are unstoppable.

Shyvana's flexibility when it comes to builds is also a huge plus in Arena, as she can benefit from almost any of the Prismatic items and Augments that players must choose from. Among the best Arena combos for LoL, they also happen to be one of the easiest to pull off, with Sona, in particular, being notoriously easy.

League Of Legends: Best Champion Combos For Arena (19)
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League Of Legends: Best Champion Combos For Arena (2024)


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